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Standard Phraseology Guide

Standard Phraseology Guide

1. Clearances

1.1. IFR

Within FAA jurisdiction, all IFR clearances must follow the following standard: C-R-A-F-T

C Clearance Limit (Destination Airport)
R Route (Departure procedure and/or Routing)
A Altitude (Initial climb)
F Frequency (Departure Frequency)
T Transponder (Squawk Code)


Cleared to Tokyo Narita International Airport, SUMMR2 departure, MCKEY transition, then as filed. Climb via the sid, expect FL320 10 minutes after departure. Departure frequency 125.2, squawk 7260.

Cleared to Seattle-Tacomas International Airport, HURCN3 departure, SMELZ transition, then as filed. Maintain 5000, expect FL360 10 minutes after departure. Departure frequency is 122.8, squawk 3601.

Radar Vectors:

Cleared to Fort Lauderdale airport, O'Hare 7 departure, radar vectors DENNT, then as filed. Maintain 5000, expect FL350 10mins after departure, departure frequency 126.625, Squawk 1234.

Hybrid SIDs (RNAV & Radar Vectors):

Cleared to Denver International airport, DEEZZ5 departure, TOWIN transition, radar vectors DEEZZ, then as filed. Maintain 5000, expect FL320 10 minutes after departure. Departure frequency is 125.2, squawk 7260.

1.2. VFR

1.2.1. Departures

Class B

Cleared out of the Memphis class Bravo airspace, departure to the North. Maintain VFR at or below 2500 until further advised, squawk 0740. Advise ready to taxi.

Class C
With Flight Following

Southbound departure approved, maintain VFR at or below 2500 until further advised, squawk 0244. Advise ready to taxi.

Without Following

Southbound departure approved, maintain VFR at or below 2500 until further advised, Advise ready to taxi.

Class D
With Flight Following

Runway 23, taxi via C, E. Squawk 0244
Without Flight Following
Runway 23, taxi via C, E.

Class E & G

Not required to contact ATC. (Non-towered airfields)

1.2.2. Traffic Pattern Class B

Cleared into the Miami class Bravo airspace, pattern altitude 1000, squawk 0704.

1.3. Helicopters

1.2.1. Departures

Cleared into the Los Angeles class Bravo airspace, departure to the South, maintain VFR at or below 1500, squawk 0704. Advise ready for departure.

1.2.1. Arrivals


1.2.1. Transitions


2. Ground

2.1. Pushback and Startup

2.1.1. None-Movement Areas (Parking Aprons)

Push and start at your discretion, exepct runway 9R for departure, advise ready for taxi

Push and start at your discretion, face east, exepct runway 21L for departure, advise ready for taxi

Standby for pushback, Airbus A330 currently pushing back into the alleyway

2.1.2. Movement Areas (Taxiways)

United 837 heavy, push and start onto taxiway Kilo approved, face South.

2.2. Taxi (Departing)

2.2.1. Taxi to Departure Runway

Runway 23, taxi via Delta.

2.2.2. Taxi to Departure Runway (with crossing clearance)

Initial Taxi Instruction:

Runway 25L, taxi via taxi via Alpha, Foxtrott, hold short runway 25R.

Upon Reaching:

Cross runway 25R at Foxtrott.

Hold short runway 25R at Foxtrott (reason).

2.3. Taxi (Arriving) 

Pilots should not report on blocks. Do not make any frequency change to unicom. If a pilot reports on blocks, simply say roger.”.

Aircraft vacating runway:

Callsign, say parking.

After pilot responds with parking spot:

Gate 45C, taxi via Lima, Bravo, to the ramp

3. Take-off Clearances

3.1 Line Up and Wait

Runway 35R, Line up and wait runway.

3.2 IFR


RNAV DOCKR, wind 090 at 11, Runway 8R, cleared for takeoff.

Radar Vector SID

Fly heading 090, wind 090 at 11, Runway 8R, cleared for takeoff.


Runway 18L RVR touchdown 1400, midpoint 600, rollout 1800, fly heading 170, cleared for takeoff.

Intersection Departure

(Departure instruction), wind 090 at 11, Runway 8L at Zulu, cleared for takeoff.

Takeoff Clearance with Wake Turbulence Caution

(departure instructions), caution wake turbulence behind departing Boeing 747, wind 290 at 7, runway 12, cleared for takeoff.

Cancel Takeoff


Cancel takeoff clearance, vehicle on runway.

3.3 VFR


Departure to the South approved, turn left at the shoreline, wind 270 at 7, runway 25L, cleared for takeoff.

Join left downwind, report midfield with intentions, wind 270 at 7, runway 25L, cleared for takeoff.

Leaving the airspace (without flight following)

Class B & C

radar services terminated. Squawk VFR, frequency change approved.

Class D

you are leaving my airspace to the north, squawk VFR, frequency change approved.

Leaving the airspace (with flight following)

contact Miami Approach 120.5.

3.3. Helicopters

departure will be at your own risk, wind 230 at 10, departure is approved.

departure will be at your own risk,wind 230 at 10, remain North of the South runways, departure is approved.

4. Local Traffic (VFR)

4.1 VFR Arrivals

Class B

Squawk 0201.

Cleared into the Miami class Bravo airspace, enter left downwind runway 8L, report midfield downwind

Class C

Squawk 0201

Enter left downwind runway 8L, report midfield downwind.

Class D

Enter left downwind runway 8L, report midfield downwind.

4.2 VFR in the Pattern/Circuit

Wind 250 at 6, runway 8L, cleared for the option.

Make left 270-to-base, wind 250 at 6, runway 8L, cleared for the option.

Number 2, following a Caravan on downwind. Report in sight and state your intentions.

Orbit northeast, left turns, expect 10-minute delay.

Turn crosswind to follow traffic.

Extend downwind to follow traffic on final.

Continue downwind. I will call your base.

Make left 360.

Join right traffic on upwind.

Make short appraoch.

4.4 Special VFR


5. Landing Clearances US CA

5.1 Landing Clearance

Wind 095 at 7, runway 8L, cleared to land

5.2 Multiple Landing Clearances

Number 2, following a B737 short final, wind 350 at 29, cleared to land runway 35L.”

5.3 The Option

Wind 095 at 7, runway 8L, cleared for the option.

Wind 095 at 7, runway 8L, cleared for the option, except stop-and-go.

5.4 Touch-and-Go, Stop-and-Go, Low Approach

Wind 095 at 7, runway 8L, cleared touch-and-go.

Wind 095 at 7, runway 8L, cleared stop-and-go.

Wind 095 at 7, runway 8L, cleared low-approach.

5.5 RVR

RVR touchdown 1400, midpoint 600, rollout 1800, ruwnay 18L, cleared to land.

5.4 Helicopters

Wind 240 at 5, make straight-in approach to Signature, landing will be at your own risk, report landing assured.

6. Missed Approach

Callsign, go around, traffic on runway, fly runway heading, maintain 3000, contact departure 120.5.

7. Departures

RNAV Climb-via SID

Callsign, Las Vegas Departure, radar contact, continue climb via the sid.


Callsign, Miami Departure, radar contact, climb and maintain 16000.

Radar Vector SID

Callsign, Miami Departure, radar contact, climb and maintain 16000, proceed direct GWAVA.

8. Arrivals

8.1 Initial Call

The examples contain multiple parts in one single transmission (descend, heading, expected approach). However, these items can also be given in their own transmission.

Miami Approach, Miami altimeter 2992, descend and maintain 6000, fly heading 240, expect vectors ILS 24R.

8.2 Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR)

8.2.1 RNAV Arrival

CTR controllers do not assign runways. This is managed by TRACON/Approach controllers.

after GAWKS, cleared FROGZ 3 arrival”
at pilots discretion descend via FROGZ 3 arrival.

8.2.2 Non-RNAV Arrival

CTR controllers do not assign runways. This is managed by the TRACON controllers.

after ZEUSS, cleared FOWEE 2 arrival”

descend and maintain, cross JUNUR at 11000.

8.3 Instrument Approach

Within FAA jurisdiction, all approach clearances must follow the following standard:

3 miles from ZULABfly heading 360maintain 3000 until estiablishedcleared ILS runway 31R approach

3 miles from ZULAB, fly heading 360, maintain 3000 until established, cleared ILS runway 31R approach.

8.4 Visual Approach

ATC: airport 12 o’clock, 8 miles, report in sight.
Pilot: field in sight, N123.
ATC: cleared visual approach runway 8L.

9. Generic Phrases

9.1 Navigation

Basic Heading (always in 5° increments)

Turn left heading 215

Heading with reason (unless already on vectors).

turn left heading 215, vectors ILS runway 22R approach.

Heading but turn direction is ommited

Fly heading heading 215.

Conditional heading. Aircraft is requested to fly a heading after passing a specific point or altitude.

Depart CAMRN heading 215.
Passing 5000, turn right heading 100.

Heading by 10° increments left or right

Turn right two-zero degrees.

9.2 Climb/Descent

Basic Heading (always in 5° increments)

Turn left heading 215.

9.3 Traffic Information

Traffic, 12 O'Clock, 1 mile, left-to-right, Cessna Skyhawk, at 1000, report traffic in sight.

Traffic, 2 O'Clock, 2 miles, eastbound, Boeing 737, descending through 2000, approaching runway 9 at Miami Intl', report traffic in sight.

9.4 Cancellation of clearance / restriction

Approach clearance cancelled, (reason).

Speed restriction cancelled.

Take off clearance cancelled.

9.5 VFR Flight Following

Altimeter 2992, squawk 0201
Radar contact, maintain VFR and resume own navigation.

9.6 Holding


Cleared to Palm Beach VOR, hold west, as published, expect further clearance 2130.


1 June 2014--Initial Version
3 March 2018AllAllComplete Update
7 February 2022AllAllRebrand and updates of document
9 February 2022AllAllConsolidated document
March 2023AllAllConversion from PDF to Wiki, added NavCanada phraseology