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Training Procedures

1. Overview

New controllers are requried to request a training in order to be allowed to practice at an assigned training airport. Once training is requested a an Instructor will be assigned which will guide the student through the entire training process. Aa mentioned we expect students to self-study in order to be best rpepared for each scheduled training session, we do not offer full lectures on each topic as this is simple not feasible, instead we try to point out mistakes or demonstrate where improvements can be made

2. Controller Ratings

IVAO offers 6 different ATC ratings which are utilized by the North America division as follows:

Current RatingCertified forHighest Position for TrainingTarget RatingDescription
AS1ObserverGroundAS2Not allowed to control except when in training.
AS2DEL/GNDTowerAS3Allowed to control assigned DEL/GND position.
AS3DEL/GNDTowerADCAllowed to control any DEL/GND/TWR position.1
ADCDEL/GND/TWRApproachAPCAllowed to control any DEL/GND/TWR position.
APCDEL/GND/TWR/APPCenterACCAllowed to control any DEL/GND/TWR/APP/CTR position.2

Note 1: Some complex airports require ADC rating and are excempt from this rule.
Note 2: Enroute positions only require APC rating.

You can view all Facility Rating Requirments here

3. Training Flow Chart

Work In Progress 🔨

4. ATC Rating Progression

  • AS1 to AS2
  • AS2 to AS3
  • AS3 to ADC
  • ADC to APC
  • APC to ACC
  1. Trainees will be trained as outlined in the training syllabus stage 3
  2. Trainee completes total of 200 hours as controller.
  3. Trainee sucessfully completes the ACC theoretical exam.
  4. Trainee sucessfully completes the ACC practical exam.

5. Training Requests

All training shall be requested on the main IVAO website here
All training is conducted over voice in the division discord server.


  • If necessary, students may cancel their training session by means of direct communication with the Instructor
  • Students may not cancel a session within 1 hour of the session start time.
  • If a session is canceled by the training staff, the Instructor who canceled the session will make an effort to schedule a make-up session within a timely manner.

Failure to Show

  • Students must report to the training session within 10 minutes of the session start time.
  • Students who fail to attend will have a “no-show” training record filed.
  • If a student fails to show to 3 sessions, without valid cause, they may receive a warning at the discretion of the Training Coordinator
  • Additionally, three consecutive failures to shows are subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the Training Coordinator.

Spontaneous Training

  • Allows students and training staff with variable schedules to find training on short notice.
  • Spontaneous training is scheduled through the appropriate channel on discord.

Remedial Training

  • Remedial training is mandatory training that covers areas of observed deficiencies as noted by any Training Staff member regarding a controller who is already certified for a position(s).
  • If a controller is directed to remedial training, they must contact the TC to schedule remedial training
  • The TC is responsible for administering/conducting all remedial training.
  • The TC may delegate this responsibility to other training staff.

Unproductive Sessions

  • If a student comes unprepared for a session or a student is under-performing, the training staff member conducting the session may deem the session as unproductive and cancel the session.
  • If more than one unproductive sessions are filed, the student may receive a warning at the discretion of the TC, and an individualized training may be developed to outline improvements to the student’s behavior, training, or lack of preparedness at the discretion of the TC and TAC.

6. Practical Exams

  • A practical exam is designed to evaluate the student’s ability to work a position without any assistance.
  • To request a practical exam the student must obtain at least one “recommendation” by his/her assigned instructor.
  • A practical exam will be proctored by a division training advisor who will then be the desginated examiner.
  • A score and summary of the exam will then be submitted by the examiner to a Senior Training Advisor for final evaluation.
  • If passed, the new rating will be assigned.
  • If failed, the student may request a new practical exam.


Intro to IVAOR&R, Divisional Structure, Training overview, Aurora Setup
AirspaceClasses of Airspace, Requirements, Special Use Airspaces
WeatherDecoding METARs & TAFs, Runway Configurations, TAs and TLs
CommunicationsPhonetic Alphabet, Number Groupings and Special Callsigns, Aircraft Categories
RoutingEquipment Suffixes, NAVAIDs/Fixes, Departure Procedures
Clearance DeliveryCRAFT acronym, RVSM airspace, Altitude for direction of flight
IFR Clearancesuse of CRAFT, Local Procedures, Amendments, FRCs
VFRTraffic Pattern, VFR Departures, VFR Flight Following, Class B application
Ground ControlMovement vs Non-movement, ASDE-X, Taxi instruction, hold short of, intersection departure, taxi-to-parking
Helicopter ground movementHover taxi, Air taxi
Ground SequencingFollow, Give-way, departure sequences
TransmissionsRadio Etiquette, Silent Acknowledgment, readback and hearback, transfer of communication
CoordinationIntersection departure, runway crossings, position briefings